SIP Top-up Calculator
Boost your investment value and reach your goals faster by topping up your SIPs periodically
3 Years
You would have earned
% increase in amount with annual top-up*
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Frequently asked questions
What is SIP with Top-Up Facility?
SIP Top-up is a facility wherein an investor who has enrolled for SIP, has an option to increase the amount of the SIP Installment by a fixed amount at pre-defined intervals. Thus, this facility enhances the flexibility of the investor to invest higher amounts during the tenure of the SIP.
Can an investor decide the Upper Limit of the SIP Top-Up?
Under this option, the investor can define the maximum SIP Top-up Cap, beyond which the SIP instalment will not increase in future.
What is the frequency of Top-Up?
In case of Monthly SIP, Half-yearly as well as Yearly frequency are available under SIP Top-up. Quarterly SIP offers Top-up frequency at yearly intervals only. If the investor does not specify the frequency, the default frequency for Top-up will be considered as Half-yearly
What is the amount that can be topped up?
The Top-up amount should be a minimum of Rs. 500/- and in multiples of Rs. 500 only
Which Schemes are available under the SIP with Top-Up Facility?
The Top-up facility will be available in respect of all schemes offering SIP facility, except SBI Small Cap Fund
Can an investor Top Up an existing SIP?
Investors can opt in for the online Modify SIP facility where the existing SIP will be cancelled and a fresh SIP with top up will be registered
Can an investor modify a Top Up facility which is already availed?
Once enrolled, in order to modify the Top - Up Facility, the investor must cancel the existing SIP and enroll for a fresh SIP with Top-up option.
How does an investor apply for SIP with Top – Up facility?
Investors can enroll for this facility while registering a fresh SIP. Investors must specify that they wish to opt in for SIP Top Up. They can either specify the amount or the percentage by which the SIP should be topped up and the desired frequency
